The picture above shows an illustration found in a children's book.  The headlines say "Jews are our misfortune" and "How the Jew cheats."
Germany, 1936  
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
See more examples of Hitler's Propaganda posters under "Videos, Links and Web Pages"

Hitler relied on propaganda in order to get his word out about what he thought the Germans should believe.  He saturated society with images and captions telling how the Jewish  people were bad and responsible for the downfall of Germany.  He also used propaganda to influence Germans to enlist in his armies and later to demand participation by all, including children, in working to gain world dominance and be able to build his "perfect race."

Provide the answer to the first question and any other two questions posed. This is a parent posting week.  Please post thoughtfully with a parent or other trusted adult.  You will post your response first and will then post your parent response.  Please ask if you have any questions.

What is propaganda?
What types of modern day examples of propaganda can you cite?
Were you ever influenced by any of the propaganda that you saw?
What are the effects of propaganda?
Have you ever seen propaganda spread in school?
What kind of an influence do you think the book shown above had on small children?
What do you see in the picture that would teach children to hate
and fear Jewish people?
How are the Jewish people portrayed in the illustration?
What connection can you make with the three black birds and the three Jewish men?

2/11/2011 08:05:19 am

Propaganda is tricking someone into thinking something that isnt true. The three men in the black arnt even looking at the Jewish peopole and probably talking about them. The affects of propaganda are they make someone think something is true when it really isnt true. ther has been many ways that people showed propaganda and Hitler was one that succeded.
Parent Post
Propaganda is generally politically motivated media intended to influence your political ideas. The picture seems to portray the Jewish men as old and kinda scary looking. It looks like they may even be plotting something. Little kids would probably be scared by this.

2/11/2011 10:49:08 am

Q1: Propaganda is when a person says somthing like hitler said "I hate jews".
Then after they say it theyforce people to believe it.
Q2: An example of modern day propaganda is that movies are teaching kids and adults to be afraid of muslims.
Q3: I have been influinced by propaganda. I was watching a movie about 911 and people were saying if you get on a plane and there is a muslim that you should ask to get on the next plane.

Parent Post

Q1:Propoganda is communication intended to influence a community toward a certain cause or position.
Q2: A modern day example of propoganda would be in the media during election years. Many canidates up for election will run ads on tv to make viewers belive what they say and not vote for the canadate they are running against.
Q3: Propaganda has influenced me as in my previous example when it comes to voting. It is funny you watch Fox News and they say one thing and then you watch MSNBC and they say the ecact opposite. I feel propoganda affects everyone in everyday life and most of the time one doesnt even notice it or how it affected them.

2/12/2011 02:42:35 am

propaganda is organized dissemination of information, allegations, etc, to assist or damage the cause of a government, movement, etc
2.such information, allegations, etc. in other words the spreading of false things
yes propaganda has spread in schools
THE PICTURE SHOWS that on the Bord what Jewish people did and whats wrong with them

Parent Post:
1. According to the information found on Dictionary.com the definition of propaganda is information that is disseminated to help or harm a person, group, a nation, a movement, or other institution. This information can be true or false; can consist of ideas, or rumors. The dissemination of the information is deliberate (Dictionary.com, n.d).
2. Modern examples of propaganda exist in the biases that are show by the new reports. Depending on which political affiliation that news station are associated with information is slant in such a way as to show the favored political party in a good light and the unfavorable political party in a bad light. No longer exist the unbiased reporting of the news. No longer exist the presentation of the facts to the audience so they may interpret them. Instead the news is reported with just enough information to sensationalize, horrify and scare the audience into jumping to the conclusion that the media wants. This leads the public to support the policies and ideas that the political leader wants with little truthful information to warrant such support.
3. The connection that can be made between the three black birds and the three Jewish men is the color black. The color represents death and by showing both the birds and the men as black unconsciously influence the viewer to associate both with death. Therefore the connection is made in the viewers mine that the Jewish men will bring death. It is the use of the correlation that further supports Hitler’s claim that the Jews will be the down fall and the death of Germany.

propaganda. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved February 12, 2011, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/propaganda

2/12/2011 05:16:42 am

propagnda is somthing that has to do with spys like german spys.

Parent post

It is the organized dissemination of information, allegations, etc, to assist or damage the cause of a government, such information and allegations.

2/12/2011 06:21:23 am

Q1:Propaganda is when someone makes someone else believe in what they say.
Q2:Yes, I have seen propaganda spread in school.
Q3:The 3 black birds are huddled up talking while the 3 men are also and the 3 birds are black and the men are wearing black.
Parent Post
Q1:Propaganda is when a person makes others believe that what is not true is true.
Q2:Yes, I have seen propaganda go around school.
Q3:The 3 birds have a connection with the 3 black men because, they are all talking and the 3 men are too talking.

2/12/2011 07:53:53 am

Q1: What is propaganda?
Propaganda is where a political group wants you to read something to make you believe something.
Q6: What kind of an influence do you think the book shown above had on small children?
It could make small children think Jews are a misfortune, they cheat, and much more.
Q8: How are the Jewish people portrayed in the illustration?
They are portrayed as mean, they all wear black suits, they look like they are planning something evil.

Parent post
Q1: Propaganda is generally politically motivated media intended to influence your political ideas.
Q6: I think this book probably had a lot of influence getting small children to believe what Hitler wanted them to believe and to start them hating Jewish people at a very young age.
Q8: The Jewish people are portrayed to be old and kinda scary looking in this book. It almost looks like they are plotting something. Being all dressed in black can sometimes appear to represent evil.

2/12/2011 10:40:18 am

I am going to answer all except the last two.
1. Propaganda is like a rumor that spread like a wild fire that can hurt someone.
2. I heard a couple a schools, but I will not say. This is an example; I heard that so and so is dating. Although it might not be true.
3. I have almost engaged in something like that.
4. It can hurt someone, and even commit suicide.
5. I have seen it in school before.
6. The affect can lead in more and more trouble and someone can even get hurt, or killed.
7. What the children are reading, and over hear the men to the right and get in the conversation.

2/12/2011 10:42:51 am

the definition came from dictionary.com.

jaden's sister
2/12/2011 11:24:40 am

1. Propagnada is something like gossip. 4. Some effects of propaganda could be terrible, like suicide or even worse.
7. Some things that would teach little children to dislike or hate Jewish people is their face expressions and if you look in the backround the Jewish people wrote things on the wall.

2/12/2011 11:25:55 am

mrs gamez can you delete my first one.

2/12/2011 11:26:55 am

I am going to answer all except the last two.
1. Propaganda is like a rumor that spread like a wild fire that can hurt someone.
2. I heard a couple of them in schools, but I will not say. This is an example; I heard that so and so is dating. Although it might not be true.
3. I have almost engaged in something like that.
4. It can hurt someone, and even commit suicide.
5. I have seen it in school before.
6. The affect can lead in more and more trouble and someone can even get hurt, or killed.
7. What the children are reading, and over hear the men to the right and get in the conversation.

2/12/2011 11:51:03 am

Question 1:
Propaganda is when you influence a group or person to your opinion.
Question 3:
Yes i have been influence by a propaganda before.
Question 5:
No i have not seen propaganda in school before.

2/13/2011 06:11:33 am

1. What is propaganda?

Propaganda is the usage of specific info to influence public opinion or to gain public cause.

2. What types of modern day examples of propaganda can you cite?

The types of modern day propaganda that I can cite are spreading rumors and gossiping.

3. Were you ever influenced by any of the propaganda that you saw?

Yes. It was a while ago though.

4. What are the effects of propaganda?

The effects of propaganda are friendships being lost, couples breaking up, divorce , or even something as big as war!

5. Have you ever seen propaganda spread in school?

No, I haven't.

6. What kind of an influence do you think the book shown above had on small children?

The children might have thought that was how things worked. That, that was how life was.

7. What do you see in the picture that would teach children to hate and fear Jewish people?

The Jewish wrote things on the wall. They might have written things that scared the children.

8. How are the Jewish people portrayed in the illustration?

In the illustration Jewish people are portrayed as bad people who put mean things on walls maybe.

9. What connection can you make with the three black birds and the three Jewish men?

The connection I can make with the three black birds and the three Jewish men is they are all probebly talking about the gemans.

2/13/2011 06:13:15 am

Oops! I did all the questions by accident!
I only meant to do #1 4 & 8!

2/13/2011 06:47:17 am

1Q. What is propaganda?

The making people believe in some spreading information, rumors, etc.
Q3.Were you ever influenced by any of the propaganda that you saw?

No, I haven't ever influenced by any of the propaganda that I saw.
Q4. What are the effects of propaganda?

The effect of propaganda is that it makes people turn to one side.

Parent post-
Q1. What is propaganda? Propaganda is usually some biased kind of advertising designed to convince a person of something.
Q3. Were you ever influenced by any propoganda you saw? Definately by the billboards about meth... they make the people look horrible, and who wants to look horrible?
Q4 What are the effects of propoganda? Propoganda can cause people to buy certain products, vote certain ways, or behave in a certain manner.

2/13/2011 07:26:23 am

Propaganda is influencing people to think one thing is true, even if it doesn't make sense. The Jewish were portrayed as mean looking people who are plotting something or making fun of someone in this picture. I think kids would be scared because the jewish men were angry looking.
Parent post under.

2/13/2011 07:50:58 am

Parent Post

What is propaganda?

Propaganda is a deliberate distortion, misrepresentation or outright lie about a person, group, ethnic group, concept, etc. The sole goal of propaganda is to make that object more popular or to demonize or even dehumanize the object. For example, much of the propaganda of the Nazi regime was aimed at making the Jews seem more like vermin than humans. This way, the German people would have no problem "eliminating the problem."

What types of modern day examples of propaganda can you cite?

A quick glance at virtually any of the news channels on cable will show great examples of propaganda. For example, the word "insurgent" is used instead of "terrorist" because insurgents don't seem nearly as threatening as terrorists, especially to the news audiences that still remember 9/11. Watch how conservatives are portrayed on CNN or MSNBC and take note of the distortions and outright lies and you'll likely be quite angry after just a half-hour. And it's not much better on Fox News regarding liberals (excuse me, I forgot the new word is "progressive"). Watch closely how the terms are constantly changed when a bad connotation is there. People who favored abortion became "pro-choice" and people who are against it became "pro-life." Early 20th century "progressives" became "liberals" in the 1960s only to become "progressives" again because the labels pick up such bad connotations. Propaganda is around us all the time and it's up to us to learn to think critically and question the agenda at play.

What are the effects of propaganda?

Well-designed, subtle, pervasive propaganda can be incredibly effective. A fantastic example is the way the Nazis were able to systematically exterminate millions of Jews because the German people considered them no better than vermin.

Well-made and well-implemented propaganda can actually make people act against their better reason or even their own self-interest. Any suicide bomber (or better named...homicide bomber) is a walking example of someone that has completely surrendered reason to the impact of a steady diet of propaganda. Anyone that is willing to blow themselves up for a 50/50 chance at killing someone with the "wrong" kind of beliefs has definitely given up their own self-interest or has bought 100% into the idea of rewards on another plane.

2/13/2011 08:05:05 am

Q #1: What is propaganda?
Propaganda is the spreading of information and rumor.
Q #9: What connection can you make with the three black birds and the three Jewish men?
They both are spreading information with each other.
Q #4: What are the effects of propaganda?
Damage to government, race extinction, and making someone believe a lie.

Parent response,

Q#1: Propaganda is the selling of an idea or information through the display of public information.
Q#2: Internet, TV, Newspaper, books, Billboards, magazines, mail, radio, store and business signs to the door to door salesman, the friendly yellow cab that reminds you it is cheaper to take a cab than risks a DUI, friends, family, neighbors and even strangers all cause us to think twice about what it is they have to offer and how it will benefit us if we choose their product or service.
Q#3: Propaganda has essentially saturated our lives to the point that our ability to think for ourselves is sometimes controlled by it automatically. From the clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfume and makeup to the type of car we drive, the foods we eat, the gas stations we fill our tanks at, to the grocery store we shop at, to the cell phone service we use or the car insurance we choose. The list goes on and on and on. During the Hitler days propaganda was used to carry out an agenda that was conceived by Hitler and any different thought to the contrary was considered a crime and punishable by death. Unlike the days when Hitler ruled, we have a choice to choose for ourselves what we think is right and in our best interest without having to fear any repercussion.

2/13/2011 09:50:58 am

1. Propaganda is information that is spread to influence the way people think, gain supporters or damage an opposing group.

2. I have never seen propaganda in school.

3.The picture with the Jewish men and the crows shows them both in a circle. It makes them look secretive and sneaky. Or that they can't be trusted.

Parent posting:

Propaganda is still used today more in the political arena than anywhere else. Does it influence me? No, because I'm pretty stubborn. But, others are easily swayed into any situation by television, newspapers or spoken word.

2/13/2011 09:57:26 am

Propaganda is something that tells people about other things in their own way, like a belief. One example of propaganda is when the President of North Korea tells his people that they are the best, and they get the best. He makes them think that they want to stay in North Korea and never leave. In the dictionary, it is described as information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. This is exactly what Hitler did to the Jews.

2/13/2011 09:59:00 am

Oh my gosh! Sorry Mrs. Gmaez, I forgot to answer to other questions. Can you please delete my first post?

2/13/2011 10:08:34 am

Propaganda is something that tells poeple about other things in their own words, like a belief.

One example of propaganda is when the president of North Korea tells his people that they are the best, and they get the best. He makes them think that they want to stay in North Korea and never leave.

In the dictionary, it is described as information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

The effect propaganda has in the World is enourmous! They can teach people and children especially to hate Jews or other races, just like Hitler did. It can tell them something that is definitely not true. They would literally be living a lie. However, it doesn't always make people hate someone or something. Hitler used propaganda to have Germans vote for him to be the German dictator. Sometimes, propaganda is used to enlarge companies and their product prices. Most commercials contain numerous amounts of propaganda.

Obviously, in whatever way, propaganda is never good foor the person/people it's being used on.....

Parent of etrainor1
2/13/2011 10:13:41 am

We see various example of propaganda in virtually everything we see on tv. . . advertisements show propaganda designed to get us to purchase goods and/or services, television shows and movies often show a bias towards or against one belief or another.

The ultimate effects of progaganda is to get us to only see one side of an issue. Propaganda seeks to only give us certain, slanted information in order to change our beliefs or values. It's very important, therefore, for us to seek a complete set of information regarding any issue or belief so that we have a balanced viewpoint.

2/13/2011 11:18:02 am

Q1.Propaganda is tricking someone into doing something.
Q4.The effects on propaganda could be positive or negative on the objective.
Q5.Yes I have seen propaganda spread in school.

Parent Post
Q1.Propaganda is influencing someone to choose a certain side.
Q4.Propaganda can have a negative and positive effect just depends on what is at hand.
Q5.Yes propaganda has been spreaded in school.

2/13/2011 11:26:28 am

Q1. Propaganda is like brain washing. Trying to get someone to agree to how you think.
Q2. Modern day propaganda would be found in forms of government.
Q4. The effect of propaganda can be war, poverty, people being uneducated.
Parent post
Q1. Propaganda is used to influence others into thinking one way.
Q2. Modern day propaganda is used in a government form. Such as convincing the people that going to war is right and needed. Convincing the military that what they are doing is right and needed. Propaganda has been around for many years and will continue to be around. Especially when it comes to race and religion. Not only have the Jews had to over come it,but many other races as well.
Q4. The effects of propaganda is/can be hatred,war,fear,poverty,and oppression.

2/13/2011 12:11:52 pm

Q#1: What is propaganda? Propaganda is used to make others think the way you would like them to.
Q#2: Have you seen propaganda in school? yes, some people start passing around papers that said Justin Bieber is gay.
Q#3: What are the effects of propaganda?
it can result in brainwashing effect. That will have you believe that it is true without knowing all sides of the truth.

Parent post:
Q#1: Propaganda is spreading information to influence the way others think. It is biased.

Q#2: Propaganda can effect anyone and it is usually in a negative way. Those who participate in this usually want everyone to believe only what they feel is true. This is usually connected to extremist groups etc.,

Q#3: The picture illustrated reflects what Germans believed to be true of Jews. They believed that they were of the lowest class of humans and they were a burden to their society.

2/13/2011 12:13:34 pm

We forgot to put his number for the period he is the class.


Misty Oppenheimer

2/13/2011 12:17:34 pm

Q.1.Propaganda is when someone spreads information that is not true. They tell people what their opinion is about someone or something. Then they get those people to believe every word that comes out of their mouth.
Q.4.The efects of most propoganda are killings wars. Raw power agents good people.
Q.8.The nazi signing in the portrait can teach children to hate the Jewish.

Parent Post
q1: Propoganda is spreading misleading information to get a reaction from others, whether it is one person or a group of people. In most cases, it's for negative purposes.
q4: The effects of propoganda can be both positive and negative. It all depends on the purpose and reason behind the propoganda.
q8:From what I can see,Jews are protrayed as sneaky,unattractive and shunned by the germans. As we can see from the portrait the jews are standing away from everyone else in a group, as if they are planning something;which symbolize that they cannot be trusted.

2/14/2011 07:38:00 am

q#1-Well properganda is when someone talks someone into doing something.
q#3-yeah i've seen properganda happen at school. for instance if you see the dont do drug posters they infuence me not to do them.
q#6 i think the picture could influence kids to hate jews.
q#1-propaganda is when a person spreads information to a lot of people to further a certain agenda. It's often politically motivated.
q#3-who hasn't been infuenced by propoganda? Anyone who votes has been influenced by right or left wing propganda.
q#6- children are very easiy influenced. By portraying Jews in a negative light in children books, they were probably instilled with life long dislike for Jews.

2/14/2011 12:14:34 pm

1. Propaganda is information, especially of a misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

2. The connection between the three black birds and the three Jewish men in the picture is that they both seem to be secretive and seem to be conspiring against something. They are both portrayed as bad things or people.

3. Jewish people are portrayed as evil and/or conspiring against the Germans. They seem like they are a threat to the other people of Germany.

2/14/2011 12:37:18 pm

Ok, so Mrs.Gamez. This is for my what I have learned post that I did not submit. I learned that even with all the power in World War Two that HItler had, he did not have enough supplies to build the incredible super tank, such as the British tried to do. The Landkruezer P. 1000 Ratte was unsucessful.It didn't even make it into battle and was uncomplete in it's operation and did not even finish being built. Also, the tanks wouldn't even happen if Hiram Maxim did not invent the machine gun. The tanks were built to distroy the machine guns and to make them vulnerable. The tanks soon become almost invencible to the machine guns. My mother would like to post for the parent posting week later, not today. I hope that is OK with you. Thankyou.

2/15/2011 05:28:24 am

Q1: Propaganda is like persausion you convince someone to believe in something.
Q5: I have never seen propaganda in school before but in public places i have.
Q4: Propaganda has te effects of people because propaganda can get someone to hate their own friends.
Parent Post
Q1O: The connection of the three Jewish men and the three black birds were that each held to their own group to speak.
Q2: The modern day examples of propaganda are when the soliders in Iraq were dropping phamplets from the planes, to offer them protection for surrender and to civilian, do not get involved. What I think.
Q3: No i havent been influenced with any propaganda I've saw.

2/15/2011 10:37:08 am

Propaganda is information that is spread for the purpose of promoting a cause. During WWII, the Nazis used propaganda to promote Nazism. Jews were legally classified as a race. The Nazis knew they had a race but they thought the Jews weren’t human. Physical contact between races was forbidden. In my school years I have not yet seen propaganda.

Parent Post:
The definition of propaganda is a message designed to persuade its intended audience to think and behave in a certain manor. The most common forms of modern day propaganda are the promoting of different religious beliefs, advertisement of products and political campaigning. The effects of propaganda can vary. Propaganda can affect peoples decisions, opinions, beliefs, values and form biases depending on what the intent of the propaganda is.

2/15/2011 10:57:45 am

The picture above shows how much Hitler hated the Jews, it started propaganda just to destroy the Jewish peoples lives. Propaganda is information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause. I think the article made the German children wonder, "were the Jews this bad?" Also, I think most of the German children believed in Hitler's propaganda 100%, because they didn't know any better. I think the Jews were portrayed horribly in this picture because of what the remarks say and how they were being singled out. I think most of the Jews thought the Germans were bad people because Hitler brainwashed the Germans in a matter of months, maybe even days.
Parent Post:
I agree with Isaac's post about the picture which was printed in the children's book during Hitler's reign. Propaganda was the only way of knowing what was going on in the world to most of the people, using propaganda worked in Hitler's favor--eventhough it was for a bad cause. Since it was in a children's book, it probably negatively impacted the Jewish children by making them feel bad or embarrassed. It also sent a negative message to the German children by making them believe what Hitler's frame of thought was.

2/15/2011 11:19:29 am

1.B (Brenan) Propaganda is lies, false advertising, gossip used to influence others.
1. D (Brenan’s dad) Propaganda is the use of different media to influence people in the direction of a special interest group, political party, company, etc..
2. B – Tell-a-marketers like the one who just called my mom trying to get her to buy something she did not want. Door to door salesmen who try and convince my parents to buy things they do not need.
2. D – Political campaign adds. Holy cow, who do you believe. Each candidate speaks through both sides of their mouth and then when elected do not follow through with any of their promises!!
3. B – Commercials have influence me to ask my parents for product I have seen on television. (most of the time it is junk)
3. D – Purchasing a water treatment system when my wife was pregnant with our daughter “this water will be the purest water possible and will help keep you baby healthy” (a few thousand dollars later).
4. B – Propaganda’s affects are persuasive and sometimes tempting to people. The promises often lead people from their beliefs and get them into trouble.
4. D – Propaganda has shape the history of the world, from the death of Jesus Christ to WWII to politics around the world. Attempting to wade through all of the misinformation is taxing and a great number of individual believe everything and then wonder why the world is in such disarray.
5. B – Yes.
5. D – I tried to spread how great of a teacher I was but it did not work.
6. B – Non Jewish children might think the Jewish children cheat at school and sports. The Jewish children might think that they are misjudged.
6. D – Non-Jewish children might think they are superior to the Jewish children and treat them poorly. Jewish children might start to believe they are inferior and start to act in that way.
7. B – Children would see the “Jewish men” closed in and gossiping. The men look scary.
7. D – The men, apparently Jewish, are old and scary looking. The crows, filthy birds, are standing in almost the exact same position as the men.
8. B – The Jewish people are portrayed as old and cranky.
8. D – I agree with Brenan and they are dressed in all black, very dark and depressing.
9. B – The birds are black and the men are dressed in black. The men and birds are standing in the same position.
9. D – I agree with Brenan.

2/15/2011 01:55:09 pm

Propaganda is when you or someone else posts something in public thats makes you look good.Propaganda can also make someone or something seem or look bad even if they are not.Hitler used this technique to make him look like a kind man and a good leader we all know that this is not true.You can be very effective and reep many effects.Adolf Hitler said:" By clever and persevering use of propaganda even heaven can be represented as hell to people, and conversely the most wretched life as possible as paradise." Even if you tell someone about someone else they may not know that person so they might start thinking badly about them, because of what you said.Even commercials can tell you sommething untrue.If you are watching one and they talk about something and how great it is.Then you spend your money on it and it does not do all that the commercial said that it did do.You would not think that you could make much of a connection between three men and three blackbirds but you really can. You could make more than one.The first one that I found is that both groups are disscussing something.That thing that they are talking about is what propaganda they have just read.Since they both are both huddled togther they must not want the children nearby to hear what they are saying.Since they both are nearby the propaganda post they must have read it, before they huddled together and started talking about it.They both have something black on, wether it is natural or they are wearing it in a suit.

Parent Post

Propaganda could be described as persuasive communication used to influence others. It may be displayed in many forms, on television, radio, billboards, and so on. Effective propaganda appeals to and plays on human emotions. Sly propaganda can paralyze ones ablility to think clearly and could even prove deadly, as in the case of Hitler's propaganda.
You need not look to far to see modern day examples of propaganda. While the term propaganda usually has a negative connotation, occasionally it is used to accomplish positive messaging. For example, campaigns to reduce drunk driving and also messages to raise awareness of the dangers of drug use. Obviously propaganda has been used to affect human thinking and actions troughout history. Proverbs 14:15 states "A fool will believe anything." (Today's English Version) With that in mind, one would want to test what he or she reads or watches to see if it is truthful.

2/15/2011 10:16:28 pm

1.According to Dictionary.com, propaganda means ideas or information spread to promote or injure a cause, nation, etc. Propaganda can be both positive and negative. Hitler proved that propaganda can get into your head and change the way you think and see things. 2. The Jewish are portrayed as misfortunate cheats and on the wall. I saw a picture of a stick figure with black smears all over. It is probably a Jewish peson they drew as a monster. 3. To see propaganda, look in our school. An example of propaganda in our school is the drug free posters encouraging students to stay away from drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. The difference between Hitler's propaganda and the school's is that ours are positive encouragments.

Parent's Response -

Propaganda is everywhere you look, whether you realize it or not. During "voting season", propaganda is all around, on the streets, in front of businesses, being mailed to your house. From long ago, people have realized that propaganda is the best way to get their word across, be it negative or positive. Hitler was extremely successful using propaganda to trick the people into thinking that Jewish people were awful, scary people. Especially back in the 1930s and 1940s, when there was no t.v. media available, propaganda posted around the city streets was the main way to get the word out to the residents. When out and about, people came across these posters. They would, I am sure, stop and chat about them with the others on the streets who were also checking them out. Word spreads quickly this way. Back in the 90s, when I was in high school, the school used propaganda the same way that they do today. They posted pictures all around with the negative affects that drugs and alcohol have on young students.

2/16/2011 12:10:32 am

Q1:Propagnada is like an infection to everyone. Propagnada is to make someone beleive something that isn't true.the three men in the black with the bbeard are not looking at the Jewish peole beside them.

Q2:The Jewish people in the picture are illistrated to llok like fools. the look sneeky and not well taught people. they look crazy and scary.

Q3:the three men and the three black birds both look like they are talking secrectivly. Like they are planning on something. Something bad.

2/16/2011 02:52:20 am

Propaganda is spreading rumors and lies. A purpose of helping or injuring an institution. Propaganda is everywhere, I see it every especially in school. I got say I even spread rumors sometimes, to think about it all I really hear are rumors. Rumors make people very irritated and most the time they are lies. It’s really stupid why people do this it shows how immature they are. For example one the school basketball team a girl said that the coach was going to kick me off the team when I asked the coach if she was and she said no. So as you see propaganda is a rumor of lies.

2/16/2011 02:54:42 am

Sorry mrs.gamez i forgot my parents posting so here it is.

2/16/2011 04:42:31 am

Sorry mrs.gamez that was not the one i was supposed to send in here is my new one.

2/16/2011 08:03:01 am

Student comment

Q1: The definition for propaganda is spreading rumors or lies. A purpose of helping or injuring an institution.
Q2: Propaganda is everywhere; I see it everyday especially in school. To think about it most the time all I hear are rumors. For example when I was on my school basketball team a girl told me that the coach was going to kick me off the team so when I asked my coach she said no.
Q3: Rumors make people very irritated and sometimes sad but all they are lies. Its really dumb why do this is shows how immature they are. So as you see there are some examples of propaganda.

Parent comment

Q1: Propaganda is a tactic someone or a group of people use to instill a belief or idea; that motivates to follow that movement.
Q4: The affects of propaganda that I have experienced would have to be the Y2K scare of 1999 going into the year 2000. The propaganda behind Y2K was system failure; the fear was that there would not be access to food, water, gas, phones and computers.
Q9: The depiction of the three Jewish men and the three crows in my opinion was that Jews were to be viewed as thieves, mean or scary and misunderstood on the way they dressed.

2/16/2011 08:05:12 am

Well i have learned that Jewish were tricked into getting into train that was said to take people to freedom. I also learned that Hitler was an artist that was not accepted into an art school witch was judged by a Jewish man. As well with Hitlers mother when she got cancer the doctor said they could do no more and soon the mother died. The doctor was a Jewish man.I believe that all of this brought on Hitlers madness

parents comment:
I think this Holocaust assignment was a very important one. Teaching about the genocide of the Jewish people of Germany and Poland, and the ultimate act of prejudice. Caitlin was very informative about the daily life of Concentration Camps and the suffering of Anne Frank's family prior to their capture and after.

2/16/2011 09:39:03 am

Q#1. Propaganda is information to support a point of view.
Q#5. Yes, i have seen propaganda spread in school with the texting holidays.
Q#8. I think Jewish people are potrayed in this illustration i think by putting a sign that disrespects the Jewish.

2/16/2011 09:40:14 am

Propaganda is information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view (Google Dictionary).

Propaganda is everywhere and anywhere around us; even the car commercials, they say it is eco-friendly but maybe, it really is not. Also, some fast food restaurants say that you will lose weight by consuming their product. A great example of this is the Subway Jared campaign where he claims Subway‘s food is directly responsible for his weight lose. As children, toymakers purposefully market items to us, in hopes that it will then influence our parent’s buying decisions.

An example of how I am influenced by propaganda, is when I have money, I choose to purchase the item that I have heard that it is SUPER COOL AWESOMNESS versus making an independent decision.

Parent Post
Propaganda is a type of message aimed at influencing behavior, opinions and attitude of people. Though there is a difference between advertisements/commercials and propaganda, the underlying theme of many commercials is to spread propaganda for their product.

We see propaganda all around us these days, from sneaker companies promising that we will jump higher or run faster to the health craze that has taken hold in the fast food industry with restaurants touting how healthy their food is for their consumers. A further example can be seen in the auto industry with each auto maker attempting to convince the consumer though mass media that their car is more environmentally friendly than their competitor.

I think everyone, to some extent, is influenced by propaganda. Unless, you have completed vast amounts of independent research on an item, when faced with a choice between two things, you will choose the item that you have "heard" the most positive things about. I can honestly say that when I pull into a drive-thru, I have many times purchased an item just based upon a message I have seen from a commercial.

2/16/2011 10:26:28 am

Propaganda is persuading someone to think of one thing or another. You see it on tv, advertisement,and conversation. Yes I have noticed it numerous of times. Propaganda causes both good and bad things to happen. Yes I have seen and heard propaganda in schools that I have attended. They may be looking at ads on the board informing about things to buy or get a job maybe. Pictures of Jews doing bad things or telling people they experience hitler had with jews. I don't see any jews. Are the men over to the side the jews? There fighting or arguing about something or talking about Hitler's laws.

2/16/2011 10:36:59 am

Propaganda is like a rumor. Hitler used this to say that the jewish people are evil so that the people in Germany would believe that they were evil.
some of the effects propaganda has was children throughing rocks at jewish stores and owners. the effects today are, some people commiting suicide or going of on a shooting rampage at schools.
The effect on German children was that they would set jewish houses on fire and throwing rocks at windows.

2/16/2011 10:38:24 am

Q1: What is propaganda?
Propaganda is when someone tries to persuade people into believing that their opinion is fact to influence the attitude of people toward someone or some group.

Q9: What is the connection between the three Jewish men and the three black birds?
Both birds and men are standing in a huddled-position like they were sharing a conversation between the three of themselves.

Q2: What types of modern day examples of propaganda can you cite?
One modern day propaganda is like how in Iraq, their replica of the Statue of Liberty has a skull for a face with fire coming out of the eyes. (History Channel)


Ana Williams:

Q1: Propaganda is the spreading of selected facts or allegations with the purpose of promoting a cause.

Q9: Crows are considered scavengers, feeding on the misfortune of others, and symbols of bad luck and evil. The number three was a symbol of holiness to the Jews, and was an expressed contradiction to the portrayed evilness of the three Jewish men huddled in a possible conniving conversation.

Q2: One modern day propaganda is the blaming of Sarah Palin in having a contribution in the Tucson, Arizona shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, along with other bystanders.

2/16/2011 10:49:11 am

Q1: I think propaganda is the promotion of specific ideas or view, often political in nature, A systematic effort of controlling public opinion by using selected facts.
Q2: I feel that Magnus Linklater said it best when it comes to the side effects of propaganda“Propaganda, however, has two effects, which can be counter-productive. First, it undermines trust in the source of information, which means that even the truth, when it comes, may not be believed. Secondly, it encourages rumour, which may have a far more insidious effect even than bad news.”
Q3: What I see in the this picture that would show the children to hate jews is the way the jews are plotting against the children.

NLeMay's Brother
2/16/2011 11:01:11 am

Propaganda is the art of making someone believe something that may not necessarily be true. Propaganda can be used for good but can also be used for destructive purposes as Hitler demonstrated.
Propaganda is seen almost everywhere including in school. The school is actually one of the biggest places of propaganda. During school, it is very easy for something to spread because there are so many people gathered in one place.
The children during the Nazi era would have learned to grow up hating the Jews. The portrait portrays this because the Jewish men are huddled together talking next to a board in German while kids are looking at it. This would lead the children to believe that the Jewish people could possibly be evil.

2/16/2011 11:30:30 pm

what is propaganda.
when u make someone believe something.
Someone saying something enough times to make other believe its true.

What kind of an influence do you think the book shown above had on small children?
The book might be influential on children because they seem to believe every thing they see or hear.
It could be very influential because children seem to believe every thing they are told or read.
What do you see in the picture that would teach children to hate and fear Jewish people?
The way they look different, they seem to be dressed in all black.
they seem to be antisocial except with each other.

2/17/2011 07:49:25 am

1. propaganda is when people are trying to advertis something.2.On tv.3.people are trying to sell you something.4.It trys to make you do something.5.Yes.6.They are reading the board.7.They are talking in a little group.8.talking i agroup.9.Every one are talking in a group.

2/17/2011 08:26:07 am

Q1.Propaganda is when you are influenced with a group or person, to believe what they are saying is the truth. Q2.Types of modern day propaganda is; tv, radio, and the newspaper. Q3. I think the influence on children in the book, was very negative. The kids will believe anything they see or hear in books or on tv.

2/17/2011 10:18:46 am

-Propaganda is like advertisement.
-Someone trying to force their beliefs on you.
-Not really. If you want to count me being born in to Christian, then yes possibly.
-Wars, debates.
-Possibly they are influencing them that fighting is good and that racism is correct.
-The signs posted on the bulletin board.
-The man looks as if he has an angry face. Hes dressed in black.
-The 3 black Jewish men are arranged in a little half circle, so are the birds.


-A type of advertisement to try and convince people to believe like the person posting the propaganda.
-Magazines, Radio,Protesting, Newpapers (anyway to reach people)
-I don't remember
-Most likely
-Negative influence
-The Hitler sign and postings and hate on the wall
-stayed in their own groups and dressed alike.
-Pretty much the same as the men. Look the same and in their own circle.

2/17/2011 11:05:01 am

Propaganda is a spreaded subject or idea spread by anybody. Religion is a form of propaganda, fast food is also a form of propaganda. Yes i have been influenced by propaganda because the first comercial for the Droid phone said that it could organize your life. In ww2, sighns brainwashed people to hate Jewish people because they were "destroying" the nation. I have seen propaganda spread in a school because sighns and speaches in a school influence kids to stay away from drugs and bad desitions. The picture in the book could have told a small child that thay can not to trust a Jew just like small children cant trust strangers. i notice the smallest child in the picture is taking interest in the sighns and beliving them. Three Jewish men stand chatting in the image and three crows stand next to them, the crows could metaphoricly be the Jews by saying they are scavengers.

Propaganda is a form of communication. It is used to persuaade people to believe in an idea. When I think of modern day propaganda, I think of election time. We are overwhelmed with propaganda from both sides of the political parties. We see it when we turn on our televisions, when we listen to the radio, and the signs in our neighborhoods. I believe I have been influenced by propaganda, as everyone has. Its hard not to be influenced when our society relies so heavily on marketing. Our children are marketed to beginning at a very young age. Even my three year old son associates McDonald's with being happy and having fun!

2/17/2011 11:05:55 am

oops I accidently answered all of the questions.

2/17/2011 11:18:58 am

Propaganda is a form of communication that tries to influence you towards one point of view. They want you to believe what they want weather you agree or not.
1. How are the Jewish people portrayed in the illustration? In the illustration the Jewish men are considered to look like they would hurt you. Or to be evil on the sidelines.
2. What connection can you make with the three black birds and the three Jewish men? The birds relate to the Jewish men because they are in the same positions as the men and look evil.

tgruber1 mmitchell2
2/17/2011 11:20:41 am


Propaganda-information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

Modern day propaganda is used in commercials daily. Helping the corporation to sell their products based on beliefs that by using them the consumer's desire will come true. Example: Axe body spray commercials where the guy sprays it on and the women come out of nowhere and start ripping his clothes off.

I asked my 7 yr old to look at the picture and tell me her thoughts on the men. She as I thought, stated that they had mean looks on their faces. She said that she would be scared if she was one of the kids standing so close them. Because of her aspect of the image she saw, being innocent and not truly knowing the situation, I would have to concur that the children in that era were manipulated into believing that jews were mean/evil and scary, therefore it would be acceptable to them to "rid" society of them.

i beleive that propaganda is like advertisement. like tv ads for like mcdonalds.yes i've fallen for bk ads.maybe better buisness higher selling rate and stuff.yes like dance ads and donation ads on the morning anouncmemts. considering how their parent probably agree the kids will also go along and think jews are bad.the big poster thing saying that jews are bad.as a long bearded old fellows.even the birds are moking the jews.

2/17/2011 11:30:56 am

Q1: Propogangda is basically using sometihng out of porportion on someone or something to make people fear or hate them or it.
Q2: Propoganda is influenced in school by spreading rumors about someine so people will ignore the person or terrorize them.
Q3: The reason kids were covinced by this propoganda is that how the people near them look like bad people but also I am guessing that if we could understand what the billboard was saying it would be saying bad things about jews.
Parent Post
Q1:Propoganda is trying to persuade other people to think the same way as that person.
Q2:No I have not seen propoganda in my daily life.
Q3:The writing on the billboard says most likly jews are terrible.

2/17/2011 11:31:37 am

Q1. propoganda is trying to get everyone to believe something that may not be true.
Q2.Advertisments are propoganda and so is government when they run for office.
Q3.Yes,all the time in commercials or in sam's when they try to give you something to convince you to buy it.
Q4.Propoganda can be harsh. People might convince you to buy someting over and over after you already said no and you can be mean to that person.
Q5.I have never countered propoganda at my school.
Q6.It could be influincing them to do bad things or to buy something that they get addicted too.
Q7.I think it is showing bad things that the jews have done or if the jews were poor compared to the nazis.
Q8.Jewish people are portrayed by facts and pictures.
Q9.Probly the nazis dont like them and they both are disliked by many of the Germans and nazis.

dmileto1 parent
2/17/2011 12:02:00 pm

Q1. Propaganda is using specific information to influence public opinion or gain public support.
Q.4 Propagandas effects can influence people in a good or bad way.
Q.10 The illustration influences children that Jews cheat and lie.

2/17/2011 12:22:21 pm

Propaganda means information that is spread to influence the way people think.Or gain supporters or damage in A opposing group. Propaganda is often incomplete or biased on information. I have seen propaganda in school. just like in the class. the teachers tell us information.Just like the meaning of propaganda
parent Q.7 I have no reason to believe in the picture why the children would dislike the Jews.

2/17/2011 12:24:13 pm

1. Propaganda is information that can change some body’s thought’s into their own.
2. I have been influenced by my books I read, and songs that I listen to.
3. The book influences the small children above to believe that the Jewish people are dirty and the they cheat you out of money.
Parent Post
1. It means that someone is trying to influence you to their values and views.
2. Everyone is subjected to propaganda through several different human senses. The most common, and this one has worked on me, is sight. Our vision is active as long as we are awake, for most blue collar Americans that’s 14 to 16 hours a day.
3. The portrayal of the Jewish people is very one sided and when you are read “Hate” as a bed time store, the Nazi’s nation was breeding vicious Soldiers/Supporters.

2/17/2011 12:27:52 pm

Q1:A Propraganda is to pursuade people a thought of yours or to tell them what you think that they should do.
Q2: An example of modern day title of a propaganda: Islam: A Killing Cult, not a Religion.
Q10: I think that the Jewish people portrayed in the picture is that they are very angry and not happy with the Government (more specifically Hitler).

2/17/2011 12:32:48 pm

Mrs.Gamez can you delete that one i did something wrong.

2/17/2011 12:35:40 pm

What is propaganda?
JGrady: Propaganda is lying. It is when someone tries to convince others something is true, even if it is not.
Parent: Propaganda is spreading lies or rumors about someone or something in order to discredit the idea or the person.

What are the effects of propaganda?
JGrady: It can make people believe things that aren’t true. It can make someone hate someone or something they don’t understand. It makes you think stories are true unless you get proof it is not.
Parent: In today’s busy world, many people do not take the time to research people/ideas to form their own opinions, they put their trust into what they hear and do not always consider the source (campaign politics for example). People are often misinformed or mislead and get unreliable information by believing the propaganda rather than searching for the truth.

What kind of an influence do you think the book shown above had on small children?
JGrady: I think the stories made the kids believe what they read. The stories had to have made them feel scared. If they are reading it in a book then they must think its all true.
Parent: The children that read these books were being misled into thinking that the Jews were the ‘boogie man’ and that the Nazi’s were their friends. Hitler turned reading books into a tool of hatred and discrimination. He poisoned the minds of innocent children who were too young and naive to understand they were being deceived.
Lori Angell-Grady

dwhite1 parent
2/17/2011 12:47:10 pm

Q1: Propaganda is used to influence your thoughts and feelings about a group of people. It can be used by media, government, and society to make you feel poorly towards a particular group or religion.
Q4. The effects of propoganda are to create poor feelings about a particular group, race or religion. The effects can be to excite the crowd, such as a call to war. It can also be to instill hate, misconceptions and fear.
Q7. The Jewish men in the picture are being portrayed as mean, ugly men, they are wearing black which we associate with evil. The correlation with the crows is interesting, we associate crows as being scavengers that will eat anything and are hated birds we need to chase away.

Michelle Smith
2/17/2011 11:28:52 pm

Propaganda is using subtle imagery and words to make one believe something that may or may not be true, usually politically motivated and with malice towards another. The concept is to make a person believe something without really knowing the "real facts" and making conclusions based on what they believe.
Of course any election year we are exposed to propaganda in order for each candidate to make us believe that they are better or their opponent is worse. I have definately been influenced by propaganda on many occassions. Even everyday advertising could be considered propaganda. In this technologically advanced age we are even more exposed.
I think the picture portrays the Jewish men as scary and even calculating which would be frightening to small children. The birds are scary as well and even look a bit like the old men, so they would be connected in the childrens' minds as scary mean birds and scary mean Jews.

2/18/2011 07:05:49 am

1.propagando is telling some one somthing that may or may not be true.

2.this could cause them whant to kill them self.

3. i have seen this in my school, like people telling people that someone likes them. this could cause alot of trouble

2/18/2011 07:08:04 am

sorry my parent can not post sorry

2/18/2011 08:37:34 am

1. Propaganda is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. This was in Hitler’s favor because it was the only way to hear what was going on in the outside world (out of their village, city, or town). So therefore he made the Jews look terribly bad to the Germans, and especially children would believe everything the propaganda would say because their children or they’re parents influenced it.
2. Recent forms of propaganda are rumors, like saying someone’s gay but they are really not. This could cause lots of devastating emotional blows to the person
3. Propaganda can make the people kill themselves; Hitler used this in hope to make Jews kill themselves.
Parent post –
1. Propaganda is the spreading of rumors to influence people to believe is the truth.
2. The effects of propaganda can influence a individual or group to make a majority entity. Propaganda can also overthrow a ruler or a party who has been in power over a nation or an area
3. I saw Propaganda while I was in Korea but was never influenced by it, instead it made me more alert of my surroundings.

2/18/2011 08:41:27 am

sorry Mrs.Gamez i was not able to post in the time given. my dad had 24 hour duties in the army and wasn't off till Friday in the morning.i hope you can accept this even if it's late thanks.

2/18/2011 10:50:59 am

Student Post:
Q1: Propaganda is information that can change some body’s thoughts into the person own.
Q3: I have been influenced by my books I read, and songs that I listen to.
Q7: The book influences the small children above to believe that the Jewish people are dirty and they cheat you out of money.
Parent Post
Q1: It means to me that someone is trying to influence you to their values and views.
Q3: Everyone is subjected to propaganda daily, we see, hear, feel and even smell throughout our daily lives. Even the current President of the United States is continually bombarded, even influenced.
Q7: The portrayal of the Jewish people was so negative that they taught their children to hate was the right thing to feel.

2/19/2011 01:43:36 am

Question 1: Propaganda is when you spread a lie and you try to get people to believe that what you said is true. Question 4: Some effects of propaganda could be you getting brain washed and get you do what they are telling you to do because you don’t know it’s wrong. Question 2: An example of modern day propaganda is racism. That is propaganda because if you start saying that Jewish people are horrible people like Hitler did, then that could get people’s attention and they could start thinking that that is true.

2/19/2011 02:05:57 am

1. Propaganda are pictures, postings and information to make people believe about certain things and issues.People use it to change the ideas of others through the information.

4. The effects of propaganda is that it spreads things that may not be true. It can make people rely on the information because they believe it is true.

8. The Jewish people in the picture look like they are concerned about the propaganda they have been seeing. It looks like they are telling secrets.

Parent Post
1.Propaganda is information put out into society through the media and other outlets. The purpose is to persuade people into believing a specific idea about certain issues, products, or even other groups of people.

4. The effects of propaganda are many. It strives to sway people from their original ideas so that people no longer think for themselves. It changes people's perspective and influences the choices they make. People may take in the information without first verifying what they have read, seen, or heard. This can have terrible consequences as we have learned from WWII, 9-11 and other worldwide events. Of course, the effects can also be more benign, such as using a certain product because a celebrity has endorsed it.

8. The Jewish people in the picture are depicted as dark, secretive figures. They appear to be plotting or discussing something in their huddle. A child having this picture shown to them may think all Jewish people are old, mean, and scary.

BKemp Parent
2/19/2011 02:21:41 am

#1 Propaganda is the spread of lies, half-truths, innuendo and rumor used to affect a person’s beliefs, feelings and principles in order to influence behavior.

2/19/2011 03:22:32 am

Propaganda is tricking someone into thinking something that isnt true. The Jewish people in the picture look like they are concerned about the propaganda they have been seeing. It looks like they are telling secrets. Some effects of propaganda could be you getting brain washed and get you do what they are telling you to do because you don’t know it’s wrong.Three Jewish men stand chatting in the image and three crows stand next to them, the crows could metaphoricly be the Jews by saying they are scavengers.

2/19/2011 03:24:21 am

sorry mrs.gamez my parents had to work late and they didnt come back until today in the morning. SORRY!!!

2/19/2011 05:55:09 am

Q1 Propaganda is tricking someone into thinking something that isn't true.
Q2 For example back a couple of years ago people would teat author people differed because their religions.
Q3..Propaganda has influence me buy asking my parents to buy me something from TV.
Parent response:
Q1- Propaganda is a specific type of message staging, aimed at serving
an agenda.

Q2- Modern day examples of propaganda are visible ubiquitously. I
believe the majority of the propaganda we view today is in television
and internet advertising.  The subtle innuendo's that many companies use
when attempting to lure consumers, can be deemed propaganda. One example
is beauty products, people want to be attractive. By showing a
commercials with a famous woman telling consumers she uses a certain
cream to maintain or enhance her beauty, is a blatant example.
Commercial television is designed to turn citizens into passive

Q3- I have been influenced by propaganda that I have seen. Like most
Americans, I too want to live a long, healthy and prosperous life. I
have bought into many forms of advertising and political propaganda.
Some with stellar results and some not. I have trusted in some messages
that were displayed in reference to a political standpoint, and for the
most part, the outcome wasn't as "advertised".

2/21/2011 10:38:49 am

Q1.Propaganda is an advertisement in a way it influences people to do that thing.

Q2.The picture could teach children to hate and fear Jewish people because the Jews are separated from everyone else and they look just like the crows to the right.

Q3.The Jews shown in the picture look mean and nasty people and with the crows to the right it refers the Jews to be crows.

Parent Post
Q1.Propaganda- is a method used to influence others to believe in what you think is right.
Q2. The picture could teach children to hate and fear Jews by making them look scary and different then everyone else it also refers to them as the black birds by having them both huddled in a group of three as if they are planning something.
Q3 The Jewish people in the picture are betrayed as outsiders and not part of the German community.

2/22/2011 07:56:39 am

Q1:What is a propaganda?
A propaganda is a group of people how think something about something and get ever one eles to belive what thier saying.For example Hitler tried to persuade people that Jewish people were terrible, mean, and horride people.
Q4:What are the effects of propaganda? Well there are many diffrent effects to propaganda.For instance it would depend what you try to tell or pusade someone to belive.Like you could be like Hitler and try to make people belive that Jews are evil.Or you could try to make someone belive that.......M&M's are some day goingt to rule the univers.Or That unicorns are real and they poop cupcakes.Theres many diffrent things to do for propaganda and each thing will take its own path.
Q7:What do you see in the picture that would teach children to hate and fear Jewish people?
Un the picture there are three Jewish men standing with eachother talking or so and their are children and an adult standing looking at a bill board. The three men are dresses in black and smoking.They have canes and hats.The children on the other hand are dressed casual and playful.This might make the children think o those men are mean, evil, and rude,they might think this because they are dressed in black and are smoking.


Parent of KNichole2
2/22/2011 08:08:37 am

Propaganda is an influential form of communication meant to change the opinion or attitude of a community towards some issue or cause. This is most often associated with a political issue of some type.

As for the effects of propoganda it is often seen in the form of an entire community adopting a common point of view towards some issue. For instance the idea that Germans are a superior race and Jews in some way inferior.

Looking at the picture I am having a hard time seeing what impact this would have on me. Perhaps the cultural meaning has been lost to the change of time. It certainly seems to be portraying the Jewish men as 'dark' and perhaps mean. Crows seldomly seem to be seen in a positive light. Children are certainly easily influenced by things they see and animals so I imagine the book made an impression on them.

2/23/2011 08:07:57 am

propaganda is a advertisment of somting that you want to advertise. Hitler did it by doing a speech in front of every one .Telling the people that the Jews were bad.That how he got people to do what he wanted. Comertiols are a propaganda.Propaganda has influinced me to get video games that just came out.Im not shore i've seen propaganda in school.The picture influinces childer to not like Jews. Also makes them think they are all there problems.

2/23/2011 08:16:57 am

Propaganda is a miss leading way to try to influence people in beliving something that is not true. Propaganda are not good for childrens because kids tend to think that if something is writen it must be true.

2/24/2011 12:13:23 pm

propaganda is a tricky way of making people think the wrong thing. For example, hitler made videos that showed jews ( that were actually nazi's and S.S) playing sports and having fun at concentration camps.
The book above must have made them feel that jews are a waste of space on the earth and should go to hell. I see that the poster is really talking about extremely bad stuff about the jews and making them look almost like terrorists but truthfully the jews did not do anything wrong.

Matthew Vera's Mother
2/24/2011 12:53:04 pm

Propaganda Definition
Merriam Webster:
"the spreading of information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person"
"ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause, also, a public reaction having such an effect"

Looking at the picture, it appears as if the jewish group appear to hide something, share information nobody is allowed to hear, the are dressed very dark and they certainly look a little unfriendly. on the other hand are the children, dressed up in colorful clothes, hair done nicely, all the children show great interest to the posting which reads "Achtung"which translates to "Attention", I remember hearing from my family that they told me stories how Hitler wanted the kids to follow him, kids were enthusiastic about his ideas and they even turned against their own parents!

2/27/2011 08:47:54 am

Q1: propaganda is a type of comunication that is intended to sell or belive in something
Q2:What do you see in the picture that would teach children to hate and fear Jewish people? the facial apperance and how they dress differently.
Q3:Have you ever seen propaganda spread in school? no i have not

parents posts
Q1:Propaganda is biased or slanted information to either help or harm a person, group, or movement.

Q2: The way the Jewish people are portrayed in the picture by the darker color clothes and the gloomy facial expressions could teach children to hate and fear Jewish people. Additionally, the children readingt the billboards are white, blonde, and are more colorful not so gloomy looking.

Q3: Yes I have seen propaganda in schools. Drug awareness can be considered propaganda in schools. I have even seen schools have propaganda for reading and eating healthy.

2/28/2011 05:31:58 am

Q1: Propagand is a type of communication that is intended to sell of belive in something.

Q2: Their facially apperances from time to time and how each and everyone of them dresses differently.

Q3: No I hacen't seen propagand in school.

3/8/2011 10:06:22 am

1) Propaganda is the systematic propagationof a given doctrine.(Out of a dictionary)

2)The effects is to cause bulling and hatred.

3)Yes I have seen propaganda in school.

Parent Post:

Propoganda is the opion or ideas of an individual or group that is being force on to others. It is all around us and as long as people don't stand up for themselves and others it will always be around. It is placed on billboards, posters, in newspapers, magazines and on T.V. it is also in schools because of the bullies and kids being told something by the teachers and then are denied what is told.

3/9/2011 06:05:35 am

1.Propaganda means information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, and nation.

2.The effects of propaganda is to cause hatred and bullying.

3.Yes i have seen propaganda in school.

3/10/2011 11:36:30 pm

1. Propaganda is when a person says somthing like hitler said "I hate jews".
Then after they say it they force people to believe it.
2.An example of modern day propaganda is that movies are teaching kids and adults to be afraid of muslims.
3. have been influinced by propaganda. I was watching a movie about 911 and people were saying if you get on a plane and there is a muslim that you should ask to get on the next plane.

3/10/2011 11:46:33 pm

Blogs are closed and i hate isd....

3/21/2011 04:07:25 pm

That is just a great post, I liked very much to go through it.

3/30/2011 03:19:02 am

mmmmmmmmmm donuts

5/16/2011 06:51:35 am

hitlers propganda was devistating to the jew race.hitler wanted to make the perfect race.hitler had his army do experiments on the jews.he also made the jews run til they died of exaustion.adolf also made the jews starve to death.thats why the jews were litteraly skin and bones.adolph also tricked the jews by making them think that they were going to take showers but hitler's army threw them into the fire pits and burned them.adolf also had his army kill gipseys, jews, blacks and pretty much everyone who he thought was richer than him and not his type of race.hitlers army killed over 11million people and not just jews.

6/25/2011 05:53:58 pm

I like this topic! Great!

3/23/2012 11:13:44 am

Good article bro

7/17/2012 04:45:52 pm

Really interesting topic , thanks for posting .


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